Our history – ButanGas International
About Us
ButanGas, A success story since 1948

About Us

ButanGas International, the origins

The story of Dragan Group begins on 13 December 1948 when Prof. Giuseppe Costantino Dragan – who had moved from Romania to Italy in 1940 to study political science and economics at the University of Rome, having graduated from the Law Faculty in Bucharest – realised the huge potential of LPG and founded ButanGas Spa in Italy.

The company ButanGas International was founded in Serbia in 2005 and is the youngest among the companies of the Group.


ButanGas International is well known on the Serbian LPG tank market and Today is among the national leaders in the sector, growing also in LPG cylinder market sector.


ButanGas International is also present on the market of automotive retail fuels with multifuel stations (petrol, diesel, LPG) throughout Serbia in both owned and affiliated structures.


Our mission is to provide fast and regular service at competitive prices. The business and technical experience of the Dragan Group, which has been gained through more than 70 years of work, is always available to clients.

ButanGas International today

ButanGas International today

ButanGas International is part of Veroniki Holding, founded in 2010 by Dr. Daniela Veronica Gusa de Dragan as the unique coordination body of the Dragan Group.

Today Veroniki Holding is present in 8 European countries (Italy, Greece, Germany, Romania, Poland, Serbia, Spain and France), with 1390 employees, where it operates with 35 entities in the following sectors:

  • LPG, the Group’s core business;
  • Renewable energies;
  • Electricity and natural gas;
  • Naval;
  • Real estate;
  • Medical and wellness;
  • Food packaging;
  • Cultural and teaching.
A capillary network

ButanGas International: a capillary network at the service of its customers

ButanGas International, with head office in Belgrade, operating with 3 LPG warehouses, 3 bottle filling plants and a logistic fleet, covers the entire network of LPG customers in Serbia.

ButanGas ensures safe and fast service at competitive prices for its customers, making use of advanced and environmentally friendly technology and placing safety and environment protection among its essential objectives: all the ButanGas plants offer the highest standards of safety, efficiency and technology.

LPG for automotive

ButanGas is also present on the LPG market for transport with Multifuel fuel stations (petrol, diesel, LPG, both compressed and liquid methane) throughout the country, both owned and affiliated.

Safety and respect for the environment

ButanGas ensures its customers a safe and fast service, at competitive prices, which makes use of advanced and environmentally friendly technology and places personal safety and respect for the environment among its essential objectives: all ButanGas plants are equipped of the highest standards of safety, efficiency and technology.

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